Friday, April 25, 2008

You'll find a new feature on Navigating Life's main website: a free personality test

I've gotten tired of the free personality tests offered on so many websites.

They either lead you on by letting you answer the questions and then ask for payments or memberships before they'll send you the results, or they barrage you with so many advertisements before you get to the actual test that you begin to wonder if the advertisements are part of the test.

My solution? I wrote a personality test of my own. I've worked to make it accurate, easy, fun and informative. It's ready for testing. I call it "Navigating Life's Two Question Personality Test." Please let me know what you think.

You will find it on Navigating Life's main website, in the galley. Or you can simply click on this link. My only request is that if you enjoy the test, please pass the link on to any friends that you think might enjoy it as well.

1 comment:

Navigating Life said...

Paul Vincent W. Whalen from Halifax,NS, wrote to me with the following comment on the personality test:

"I appreciate the fact it's quick! If it's going to be only two multiple choice questions, though, why not add more variables?"

I thought my answer to him was worth posting here for others who are interested.

Here was my reply:

Hi Paul,

Thank for taking the test. What were your results?

As to your question. I only use four variables because the test is based upon an actual personality test that I used to teach my college classes. It rates people from one to four on two major human extremes. If I put in more variables, it would not no longer be an accurate test for gauging another's personality. Adding more variables increases the likely hood of the taker choosing the wrong variable and getting a bogus result.

More than anything, I want this test to be accurate.

If you want to know more about the background of the test and why I only use four variable, see

Sorry that I can't give you more variables, but I hope this explains why.
