Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A fable about holding on...

Once upon a time, there were three little eggs in a nest. The biggest egg hatched first. Out of the shell struggled a chick full of determination and drive. Within minutes of his hatching, this brave little chick was already flexing his wings, looking forward to the great day of his first flight. All night he worked hard, pumping his wings so that by the time his two siblings hatched a day later, he was by far the strongest of the three. His determination never left him. While the other two exercised, he exercised. While the other two basked, he exercised. While the other two played, he exercised. Soon his wings were full grown and strong, so he was quite surprised when his middle brother flew off before him and never returned to the nest. “How is it that my brother can fly away, but I can’t? My wings are every bit as strong as his. Indeed my wings are stronger than his.”

He became more determined to fly than ever. While his youngest brother exercised, he exercised. While his youngest brother basked, he exercised. While his youngest brother played, he exercised. While his youngest brother slept, he exercised! His wings became even more glorious, bright and strong. "Surely any minute," he thought to himself, "I will fly." Yet, try as he might, he could not gain height.

He was dumfounded when the next day his youngest brother rose into the air and flew away before him. He might have stayed in that nest flexing his wings until the end of his life, had his youngest sibling not taken pity and returned with some parting advice. “Your wings are strong. They will take you far, but first you have to let go of the nest.”

Too often we have the tools we need to take flight, but we fail to launch because our fears keep us clinging to what we know...

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